Feed Formulation:
Nowadays, in addition to economical and nutritional purposes, environmental security should be considered in feed formulation. Our specialist team will help you to achieve these nutritional, economical and environmental goals simultaneously, with a comprehensive response, including these targets, using professional software and the latest nutritional research studies.
Have you estimated the nutritional requirements of your animals?
To evaluate your current nutrition program or adjust a modern formulation, which supplies your animal’s special needs, you can fill in the appendix form according to the spices of your animal, and we will respond to you with a fully detailed report. It should be mentioned your data will be kept CONFIDENTIAL and won’t be presented to a third-party unless we have your written permission.
- Poultry:
- Broilers
- Laying Hens
- Cattle:
- Calves
- Dairy Cows
- Beef Cattle
- Horses: